A Beautiful Mess

On any given day in the Redding household, you will find Pastor/Daddy, Joshua Redding, reading the bible or listening to a sermon by either Levi Lusko, Steven Furtick, the great Jentezen Franklin, and the list can go on forever! Jaehziel Peak, our oldest, running around with a baseball glove in one hand and a book in the other. Judah Redding chewing on the first thing he can grab or crying out for food, (he is ALWAYS hungry). Then there is Momma Kai the RN… me. I’m usually running around the house not knowing what to do next, knowing there are 10 things on my “to do list”. Oh, let’s not forget Uncle Chris who is a creative genius and is constantly asking his Pastors for the next “big thing” idea. Last but not least, there is Mama, my mom. You will normally find her running in the house with bags and food to fill up her grandkids, even the more. Let’s just say, my life can be a bit chaotic, but in the middle of that chaos there is Jesus. He is the beautiful that has perfected my mess into a message that will touch lives for His glory.

You see, 7 years ago my life was not filled with all the glorious hustle, rather an empty house full of silence, and the kicks of a baby boy being formed on the inside of me. Although there was life on the inside of me, I was still empty. There I was, a single mother, venturing into nursing school, determined to make the best future for Jaehziel and myself.

Little did I know that 3 years later I would encounter Jesus. In the middle of my partying lifestyle and selfish mentality, Jesus met me. He met me across from a Barnes and Nobles table, through a man who would ask me a question that has shaken my eternity ever since. “Do you believe in Jesus?” Since that day I have never looked back.

Fast forward 4 years later… Here I am, married to an amazing man of God, who is the Pastor of Highlight Church; a church that will launch in Gaithersburg, Maryland, Fall of 2016. We currently reside in Orlando, FL., so yes… The Reddings are moving! When God calls… you go. I would have never pictured my life like this 7 years ago! It’s my beautiful mess, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

A Beautiful Mess